
By Ojas Srivastava.

This Website.

An Unsolicited Website is a website project made by Ojas. While its purpose remains a mystery, it is currently being used by Ojas to showcase his abilites in the field of Web Development. Its development started on 26/4/2021 and is scheduled to be in that state. Made entirely out of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, this website has been self-developed and self-maintained by the creator with almost none much needed help.

Conway's Game Of Life

John Conway's Game Of Life, sometimes just called 'life', is a cellular automaton and a zero-player game. The game uses very simple to rules to create perplexing patterns which are not only pleasing to the eye but also portray both the predictability and the unpredictability of Mathemematics itself. Regardless of being simple, the game is completely turing complete and can perform incredibly intricate and astonishing tasks. Find the code here.


Tic-Tac-No is a game concept based on the very famous game of Tic-Tac-Toe. We realised that Tic-Tac-Toe almost always ends in a draw so this is an attempt to make the game more interesting by including only crosses and adding a few extra rules. It's not great, but at least more fun than the original version. A large part of the credits go to Mahi Agarwal and Vangmay Sachan.

ALL Stuff


An Unsolicited Site. Title says it. IT'S THE SITE YOU'RE ON RIGHT NOW!


Discord Bot

Meme Hub serves a very preposterous purpose but it provides personalized discord for chosen people.

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Cellular Automaton

A zero-player game of life invented by the british mathematician John Horton Conway.



A quick JavaScript project on a game concept based on the famous Tic-Tac-Toe.


Lempel–Ziv–Welch Algorithm

A python program on the famous text compression algorithm, LZW Agorithm.
